In the Middle Ages, the term Artificer was used to describe a skilled laborer or tradesmen. This could have been anything from a Blacksmith to a Painter. It is the origination for our modern conception of a Fine Artist.
In todays Academic Art world there can be a very large distinction between an Artist and a Craftsman. If you paint, draw, or do photography you are considered an "Artist". If you work with wood, metal, stone, or ceramics you are often referred to as a "Craftsman", not an Artist.
It is the goal of the Drummer Artificer Studios to teach and display the traditional "Craftsman" skills as Fine Art. To break down the barrier between the fields and show that even though you do not work in pigment or charcoal does not mean you are not an Artist.
Through teaching others and helping them to realize their goal, I have found that I am able to learn new skills and broaden my own artistic practice.