From an early age I have worn costumes. When I was younger it was because when I was dressed as someone else I could forget about the real world and its problems. Now I make and wear costumes because I find enjoyment in doing it. I see costuming as a way for me to combine the many craft practices I have learned over the years into a single piece.
Thor from Avengers: Infinity War
Thor from Avengers: Infinity War. Won 2nd Place in Pop Culture category at GenCon 2018
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, won Best of Show and Best Re-Creation at Confusion 2016
Designed after Ojibwa Ceremonial Regalia, Head Dress made from scratch
Honorable Mention for Best Re-Creation at Confusion 2014
From the BBC show Doctor Who
From Watchmen Motor City Comic Con 2013
From Marvel's The Advengers, Thor won Best Re-Creation and Best of Show at 2011 Penguicon
From the Nintendo video game Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, won Best of Show at Penguicon 2010
From the Harry Potter books
Best Re-Creation at Penguicon 2009
Main character from "The Dresden Files" by Jim Butcher
From the show Stargate SG-1
From the Blues Brothers, Won Best of Show at Confusion 2011
From the anime Dragon Ball Z, Won Best Re-Creation at Confusion 2010
Original Character
Original Character
From the Harry Potter books
Character from the tv show Firefly